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Nutrition Articles

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Food and Zits

Food and Zits

Good parent, bad teenager

Parents have long handed out dietary advice to reduce pimple production, seemingly based more on socially accepted dogma (avoid sugar, soft drinks and confectionery) rather than any good quality research. No doubt, it suited the good parent/bad teenager model of family life. Since the turn of the century there has been some, but not many, well designed studies to try an...

In category: Diet 0 Comments



OK, are you up for some biochemistry? Simple biochemistry, I mean. It will help explain why vegetables are good for your blood pressure and why beetroot juice has become the new sports performance darling. The magic of nitrates in your diet seem to be part of the solution, working beyond the benefits of just being fit and training hard if you are an athlete.

Nitrates - the new training tool


In category: Glenn Cardwell 0 Comments

The discovery of vitamin A

The discovery of vitamin A

It is easy to think that one person discovered a vitamin on a Thursday just before lunch. It makes history so much easier to re-tell. In the case of vitamin A, the process of discovery spanned 130 years, starting in 1816 when a French physiologist Francois Magendie fed dogs a poor diet and found they died in a similar fashion as malnourished infants, and ending with its manufacture in 1946.


In category: Glenn Cardwell 0 Comments

Ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a debilitating condition. It is now possible that a simple transfer of someone else's faeces into the bowel of the sufferer will solve the problem. As icky and as unlikely that seems, there are researchers working on just that. And it is not a new idea. Fecal transplantation was successfully used to treat enterocolitis back in the late 1950s.

There are 1200 different ba...

In category: Glenn Cardwell 0 Comments

Multivitamin supplements

Multivitamin supplements

Give a talk on any aspect of nutrition and there is a good chance that you will be asked "Should I take a vitamin supplement?" A realistic answer would be: "If you are here at a presentation on nutrition, then there is a good chance that you eat well and are least likely to need any supplement." But that's not what people want to hear, because a supplement is seen as taking con...

In category: Glenn Cardwell 3 Comments

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How Exercise Protects You From Depression

There is no doubt that mental health is becoming a...

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