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Nutrition Articles

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Cheese and blood cholesterol

Cheese and blood cholesterol

Many years ago I worked for the Heart Foundation and it was standard practice to tell anyone newly diagnosed with high blood cholesterol that they had eaten their last piece of cheese. For some I had taken away their reason to live. Between the sobs they would plead: "Just one last cheese toasty, please." I just had to shake my head and call for the onsite counsellor.

Now there is revie...

In category: Glenn Cardwell 0 Comments

Dairy and heart disease: a lower risk than previously thought

It has been clear for a long time that not all saturated fats act the same. Saturated fats come in a range of lengths, dictated by the number of carbon atoms in the fatty acid chain. Look, it's a chemistry thing, and 93% of people never did chemistry at school, let alone university. You can go to everyone's friend Wikipedia if you want a quick refresher on saturated fat. Better still, just keep re...

In category: Glenn Cardwell 0 Comments

Improved Health with Simple Nutrition

One favourite way of getting an answer to a nutrition and health question is to gather all the most recent published studies, put them in a data melting pot, and see if you can extract a "truth". One review did this recently and found pretty much what you might expect, depending on your personal nutrition mantra or affiliation. They compared various foods groups and types to the risk of ...

In category: Glenn Cardwell 0 Comments

The good news about food

The good news about food

There are many foods that work hard in reducing your risk of heart disease and early death. In no particular order they are:


It is the omega-3 fats in fish that appear to offer protection to the heart. The fish with the highest omega-3 levels are the cold water fish. Those that are particularly high are salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring, sardines and pilchards. All of these are available a...

In category: Glenn Cardwell 0 Comments

Cooking oil: does heating cause health problems?

The thought comes up regularly - if you cook with oil does it lose all its healthy properties? Do unsaturated fats become saturated once they are heated? In other words should oil only be used for salad dressings? These are common questions. Let me try and make sense of this topic.

Frying oil at home

I have done a search of all the literature on cooking oils. OK, that's a lie. I have actually ...

In category: Glenn Cardwell 0 Comments

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How Exercise Protects You From Depression

There is no doubt that mental health is becoming a...

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