Just five minutes of exercise in a park, working in a backyard garden, on a nature trail, or other green space can boost mood and self-esteem, according to a new study.
The study was been published in the Journal of Environmental Science & Technology.
The researchers explain in the study that green exercise is physical activity in the presence of nature. Abundant scientific evidence shows that activity in natural areas decreases the risk of mental illness and improves the sense of well-being. Until now, however, nobody knew how much time people had to spend in green spaces to get those and other benefits.
For the first time in the scientific literature, the scientists have been able to show dose-response relationships for the positive effects of nature on human mental health.
From an analysis of 1,252 people (of different ages, genders and mental health status) drawn from ten existing studies in the United Kingdom, the authors were able to show that activity in the presence of nature led to mental and physical health improvements.
They analyzed activities such as walking, gardening, cycling, fishing, boating, horse-riding and farming. The greatest health changes occurred in the young and the mentally-ill, although people of all ages and social groups benefited. All natural environments were beneficial including parks in urban settings. Green areas with water added something extra. A blue and green environment seems even better for health, Pretty noted.
From a health policy perspective, the largest positive effect on self-esteem came from a five-minute dose.
This doesn't mean that you only need five minutes of exercise, but just getting 'green' for five minutes gave the most benefit per minute.
So if you exercise predominantly inside, in a gym or at home, try to get outside, preferably into a natural environment for at least five minutes. Even if this is after your workout.
It's when your body is relaxing after exercise that the changes happen and it seems that both exercising and relaxing in nature has added benefits.
So go green and get fitter.
Article Author: David Beard, Calico Exercise Physiologist and Healthy Ageing expert