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Fitness Articles : David Beard

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Give your metabolism a boost

Give your metabolism a boost

Boosting your metabolism is the key to life-time weight management, but how fast your body burns calories depends on several factors. Some people inherit a fast metabolism. Men tend to burn more calories than women, even while resting because they naturally have more muscle tissue.

For most people, metabolism declines steadily after age 40. Although you can't control your age, gender, or genetics...

In category: David Beard 0 Comments

Build your Muscles

Build your Muscles

If you're not doing some regular strength training, you are putting your future health and lifestyle at risk.

The loss of skeletal muscle as you get older, known as sarcopenia, results in limitations in physical function and mobility, which in turn lead to falls, loss of independence and possible institutionalisation.

Loss of muscles also increases your risk for metabolic syndrome, diabetes, obe...

In category: David Beard 0 Comments

Get your cholesterol working for you

Get your cholesterol working for you

If you've had your cholesterol levels checked lately and the doctor told you they were good, it doesn't necessarily mean you are at reduced risk for heart disease.

High levels of good cholesterol(HDL) have been considered to be protective against heart disease. Rather than depositing fat into the blood vessels the way the "bad" cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein (LDL)) does, HDL appea...

In category: David Beard 1 Comments

Burn calories even after you stop

Burn calories even after you stop

Researchers found that men who cycled intensely on a stationary bike for 45 minutes burned an extra 190 calories over the 14 hours following their workout. This was additional to the calories they used during the exercise.

The findings may also apply to other high-intensity, heavy-breathing, sweat-producing activities such as running, swimming, jogging and playing intense games of basketball, te...

In category: David Beard 0 Comments

Stay active to protect your memory

Stay active to protect your memory

Don't you hate it when you just can't remember something? And for many people it makes them start to worry that it may be the first signs of memory loss and dementia.

It is probably the thing people fear the most about getting older.

But it turns out that it doesn't take much effort to stave off the effects of aging on your memory and your mind.

An increasing amount of research is showing that ...

In category: David Beard 0 Comments

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Entomophagy - dining on insects

Entomophagy is the practice of eating insects as a...

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